Break down / by jean-francois dubeau

The Eldritch Age - volume 3 - page 3

The Eldritch Age - volume 3 - page 3

Ydriss, away from the Monitor Drake that's been plaguing her for so long almost does the unthinkable. Pork the Gobbo has learned first hand what happens when someone so much as threatens a dragon egg, what would happen if Ydriss had actually broken it? Is Valadura right in saying the matriarch would burn down so many human cities?

It's been a tough few weeks but I'm soldiering on. Full disclosure: I was laid off of work a few weeks ago. Don't worry, I'll be fine. As soon as I'm back from holidays I'll find something else. Until then, if you feel so inclined as to give a hand and you haven't bought my book, The Life Engineered, then get yourself a copy by clicking the link in the sidebar. If you have read the book, point others to it. Every little bit helps.

I'm also, sort of open for commission work if you're interested. You know the art style (keeping in mind that The Eldritch Age pages are done fairly fast and for free), so if you'd like to have something commissioned, drop me a line.